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HomeArchive by category "BitsHost MMVC"

BitsHost MMVC

11:19 am

How MMVC SYSTEM Resolves PHP Frameworks Issues

Once upon a time in the vast landscape of web development, PHP frameworks reigned as the champions of efficiency and convenience. However, beneath their seemingly flawless facade lay a complex tale of challenges and problems. BitsHost MMVC wiki! In this epic journey through the world of PHP frameworks, developers encountered a formidable adversary: the Learning[continue...]

11:14 am

Hierarchical Model‐View‐Controller (HMVC)

Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC) is an advanced software architecture pattern that builds upon the traditional Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. HMVC introduces the concept of multiple layers of controllers and views, which can offer significant benefits for developing PHP applications. In this discussion, we will delve into the concept of HMVC, its advantages, and the challenges associated with[continue...]

10:57 am

BistHost MMVC. PHP MVC with modules. PHP HMVC

Welcome to the BitsHost MMVC wiki! BitsHost MMVC Modular MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER with Router Rasmus Lerdorf: PHP Frameworks all suck! Introducing MMVC - MODULAR MVC - Empowering Your Development The idea underlying MMVC is HMVC. Hierarchical Model‐View‐Controller (HMVC) HMVC is a variant of MVC, which is a popular design for arranging web application components. The[continue...]